Thursday, July 6, 2017

July is Romance Month

Since I came up with the idea of Movie Churches and I choose the topics each month, I usually get to watch things I’d like to watch anyway. For instance this year started with Mob Churches. I love gangster films, so no great sacrifice there.  March was Eastwood month and who doesn’t love Clint? April was Science Fiction Month and as someone who early in life knew the name of every episode of Star Trek (TOS) and could identify which episode I was watching within two minutes, well…

But sometimes for the sake of you, valued reader, I must watch films that would not normally be of my choosing. July is Romance Month here at Movie Churches. Yes, love is in the air and not just the Love of God, but the love of a man for a woman and a woman for a man. (Yup, all straight love stories, because those are the cinematic love stories I found which also have churches and/or clergy as part of the story.)

In the Old Testament, God’s love for Israel is depicted as the love between a man and a woman in such books as Hosea and the Song of Solomon. In the New Testament, the Church is called the Bride of Christ. So there certainly is a place for Romance in Movie Churches. And  I can’t think, offhand, of any reason I why would watch a Nicholas Sparks film. So this month I’ll take one (actually, four) for the team.

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